Posts tagged costumes
Post-Irma Fantasy Fest

We survived another year of Fantasy Fest in Key West! But this year was particularly significant.

The aftermath of hurricane Irma left many of the Florida Keys in utter devastation.  However, in an effort to primarily encourage tourism for local businesses, the city decided to move forward with the festival as planned. 

And after speaking with various locals during my quirky “Sus on the Street” segment, I’m happy for the city’s decision. 

Although it was a quieter Fest than in previous years, many Keys residents were feeling inspired to create and celebrate our community! Even after losing everything. Parading in hurricane-themed costumes. It was a Fantasy Fest for us, the Florida Keys.  Truly heart-warming and humbling and a reminder of why I moved here. 

Thank you to all the out of towners that came down to Fanatsy Fest to help celebrate the spunk and energy of the Keys that not even a category 5 hurricane could defeat. 

Dressing Room Photoshoot - The Producers Edition

My sweet friend and colleague Marky Pierson and his lady, Morgan Fraga, facilitated this silly photoshoot between the matinee and final evening performance of The Producers at Waterfront Playhouse in Key West. So happy to have been a part of this monster of a show. What a wild ride!

Here's what Marky had to say:

"Miss Susannah Wells has been working with me @ Wonderdog for the last 3 years. She's incredibly clever and creative. Occasionally she pretends to be other people, goofing and singing and making people laugh.
Morgan Fraga and I got to spend a little time in the dressing room capturing images of this fair skinned triple threat. Catch Sus on the Steets and ask her whats what? She will have plenty to say. "