Been rehearsing for THE PRODUCERS for the last several weeks, but we finally got into the theater last night! And everything changes. Talk about spatial disorientation!
Sore and bruised, but we sure are having fun. #TheProducersKW
Been rehearsing for THE PRODUCERS for the last several weeks, but we finally got into the theater last night! And everything changes. Talk about spatial disorientation!
Sore and bruised, but we sure are having fun. #TheProducersKW
Choreographed a jazz number as the Purrdy Kitties for VaVa Voom Variety Show at the Tennessee Williams Theater. (Pictured left: childhood friend and jazz-dancin' cohort, Elizabeth Patrick.) We danced our purrdy hearts out to complement the amateur beat poet, known philanderer, and onstage personality "Cowboy Marky."
Circa 2012, VaVa Voom Variety Show in Key West, Florida. (That's me on the right. Purrr...) Photo by Tom Flip.